

The studio offers on-going workshops open to both professional actors and serious students looking to expand their artistry and craft.  What differentiates our studio from others is our firm commitment to illuminating the teachings of Konstantin Stanislavsky in the most accurate and authentic way possible. Additionally, as part of our efforts to make theater education accessible to students of all backgrounds, our tuition costs are among the most affordable in New York City. Here, we believe that the only shortcut to mastering the art of acting is through devoted study and practice. To be a good actor is to be a complete artist. We invite you to join us on our journey. 


Our teaching philosophy is anchored in the principles of Konstantin Stanislavsky, whose work produced practical tools that allow for a truthful, spontaneous and complex performance. Sadly, as Stanislavsky’s most useful findings were developed at the end of his life, his most progressive discoveries never made their way to America. The Stanislavsky “System” as taught in most American drama schools is often out-of-date and misunderstood, at times leading to harmful approaches that ultimately destroy the mental health of the actor. In actuality, Stanislavsky’s approaches to script analysis, character work, and rehearsals are constantly shifting and improving, thanks to the developments and research of Michael Chekhov, Jerzy Growtoski, Anatoly Vassiliev and many others. Therefore, it is the goal of our studio to train a contemporary, virtuosic and ethical actor—an artist in full command of his or her craft, capable of re-creating life, free from cliched imitations, performance after performance. 


As part of our mission of training a new generation of artists, exemplary students from the studio will be invited to perform in Theater 86’s various productions taking place each season. While T86 regularly auditions actors for upcoming roles, preferences are given to current students who show professionalism, commitment and promise. At the core of our casting preference is the ethical actor--a performer who understands that the creative environment is difficult to build yet easy to destroy, that openness, courtesy and respect are the crucial elements that glue together a successful collaboration. 


T86 offers a limited amount of internship opportunities in exchange for free study at the studio. Interns will be assisting various stages of the company's productions taking place throughout the year. Upon successful completion of one production, interns will be given a stipend as well as a semester of workshop free of charge. Preferences are given to previously and currently enrolled students. For inquires, please email di@theater86.com with a cover letter, headshot and resume.  




With Artistic Director Aleksey Burago

*Not Open To Beginning Actors

Award-winning director Aleksey Burago leads this weekly workshop aimed at expanding the actor's imagination, creative concentration, ethics and a sense of play on stage through the acting principles devised by Konstantin Stanislavsky and Michael Chekhov. Presence on stage begins with a courageous and joyful spirit. An actor must learn the difference between a cliched imitation cloaked as "naturalism" and what is an alive moment on stage. Through discussions, group exercises, theater games, improvisations and scene-work, students are guided towards acquiring the tools for an living, expressive and truthful performance. If prepared, an end-of-term studio presentation will take on the last class, which will feature select students work to the public.

Please note this class is not open to beginning actors. Students with no prior experience in acting are encouraged to take Stanislavsky 101 : An Actor Prepares until an invitation is given for Russian Theater Lab.

Tuition: $325/Semester ($275 For Continuing Students)
Dates: December 4th - January 29th 2024 (No Class December 25th)
Times: Mondays 6PM-9PM

*Please note the class usually runs overtime to accommodate students’ scene work. A full refund is available to students 48 hours before the start of the term. After that, a studio credit will be considered on a case-by-case basis for students who can no longer attend the rest of the term. Please note the studio does not allow audits.

New Students Sign Up



With Aleksey Burago and Di Zhu

This 6-weeks workshop is a great introduction to the Russian Arts Theater’s approach to theater making and foundation for the art of acting. In a supportive environment, this class aims to break down the Stanislavsky’s acting bible An Actor Prepares into practical terms, making the system more approachable through a step-by-step progression of acting exercises, theater games and assigned homework that develop the actor's creativity and range of expression on stage. Ideal for the basic beginner looking to build confidence before an audience, this workshop is equally beneficial for intermediate actors looking to strengthen technique for a more powerful performance.

Dates: TBD

Tuition: $325/Workshop

To enroll, please fill out the registration application below.